A brand name/visual identity are among a company or institution's most valuable assets.  Over time, internal and external audiences come to both identify with and rely on the delivery of the brand's promise.  

There must be a compelling reason for change.  The verbal and visual equities must be assessed and respected.  It is a process without preconceived conclusions.  The issue is not whether the name or look are necessarily "liked", but whether they are "right".

At times, either to revitalize the brand/business, to communicate a significant change or to broaden the umbrella action may be warranted.

Change, if made, will be costly.  Anything new must be introduced anew.  Change must often be justified to the brand's various constituencies.  Effective communication may be the difference between success and failure.  Only one question matters.  Will change, large or small, advance the enterprise/institution and add real value to the brand?

Helping American Express  protect and rationalize its brand identity after a series of dilutive acquisitions.  Recommended  reserving the American Express brand exclusively for the parent and endorsing subsidiaries with  An American Express Company,  

Hormel, famous for Spam, had grown into diversified food company.  Its name said "meat products".  Considering the brand's equity, we recommended simply adding the word "foods", broadening the perception without damaging a long built reputation.

Under a distinguished music director, the  any-one-can-join Chapel Hill Community Chorus evolved into a group of 130 accomplished singers.  The new Voices name eliminated any reference to community, which suggested amateur.   Tag line spearks to its Chapel Hill heritage.

New, more contemporary and colorful packaging, led the way to a total updating of the Taco Bell identity currently seen in its restaurants worldwide.  


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